Typical Male Breast
Gynecomastia is an enlargement of the male breast. It may be due to the accumulation of fat or gland enlargement itself. Gynecomastia in India occurs mainly in the young population between 16 to 30 years. Common Gynecomastia Symptoms include:
Puffiness of nipple
Breast contour is similar to a female which precludes them to wear some t-shirts and well-fitted shirts.
Pain in the breast
They may feel ashamed in a social gathering or when on a beach due to abnormal contours.
When you have any of these symptoms, you may be embarrassed but rely on online resources for the treatment.
In this article, I will try to outline the stages of gynecomastia, what you should be worried about, and the danger signs you should detect early.
Whether it requires Gynecomastia treatment without surgery in all
Is there any alternative treatment for Gynecomastia
Gynecomastia Stages
It is divided into three grades.
Further, the 2nd grade is split into two subtypes.
Grading is based on how it is near to the female breast contour.
Except in higher grades of 2C and above, most of them are physiological.
With proper diet and exercise, you may reduce the prominence, but requires a lot of effort and time.
Higher grades need to be evaluated for not only breast malignancy but also for testicular failure.
Is there any Gynecomastia treatment without surgery?
Yes, there are medications that help arrest the further progression and reduce the pain. The most commonly used medicine is antioesrogen molecules which have other significant effects, thus used rarely.
The only proven treatment is liposuction and gland excision.
What are the advantages of gynecomastia surgery?
Liposuction alone is an effective treatment for gynecomastia in many cases
Male breast reduction can also treat puffy nipples
Most patients return to work or school in less than 1 week
Results are typically permanent but can be affected by weight gain or certain medication