Mummy Makeover
The “Mummy Makeover” is one of the most popular surgery, and a popular combination of plastic surgery techniques to reclaim back the appearance before the pregnancy. The goal of the mummy makeover is specifically designed to restore the woman’s body appearance after childbearing.

Mummy makeover can be addressed through the surgical technique with a combination of other cosmetic surgeries, which may involve:
It is common that most of the women witness changes in their bodies after childbirth. The amazing factor of the mummy makeover is that the procedure can be customized according to the expectation of the patients to areas where they want to get it reshaped and the combination of the procedure/s that can be chosen, but the outcome of the results are tailored.
Vaginal Tightening Surgery
Vaginoplasty Surgery is a vaginal rejuvenation that has become one of the most demanding procedures for women to seek perfection in personal intimate areas.
However, there are different procedures of vaginal rejuvenation, both invasive and non-invasive treatments are used so that it addresses to improve functionality as well as to enhance the aesthetic structure of the female external genitalia. There have been numerous cases of vaginal muscles or tissues tending to lose, especially after childbirth or aging. But at SurgiDerma, you can make an appointment with a reputed plastic surgeon who has successful years of experience in performing Vaginoplasty Surgeries in Bangalore.
Mummy Makeover Surgery Procedure
The main goal is to achieve aesthetic body shape while you may find it hard to get back to real shape like before child-birth. But with the mummy makeover surgery procedure, it restores the changes like before. The procedure is usually done with the combination of other surgeries to improve the overall youthful appearance.
Mummy Makeover Surgery Process
Each mummy makeover surgery is tailored according to the specific technique/s that are involved. Based on the type of techniques the patient wants to undergo, the surgeon will perform the surgeries after a detailed discussion about the procedure, potential complications involved, the realistic outcome of the results, and preparing for the surgery including a complete physical examination.
The procedure is usually performed either with general anesthesia or with the local anesthesia with IV (intravenous sedation). Incisions are made on the areas that the surgery is performed, and each incision is varied according to the position and the size.
Excess of tummy skin and fat are removed. Then, the tightening of tummy wall muscles is performed. Also, excess fat and skin around the arms and thighs are removed. Restore sagging breasts into a more desirable appearance as needed. The procedure may also involve genital rejuvenation of the vaginal tightening to enhance the tone and appearance.
After the surgery, the incisions are closed using sutures, and the sutures may or may not be dissolvable.
Mummy makeover involves customized treatments and surgeries for rejuvenation of the post-pregnancy body. Mummy makeover surgery helps individuals to be more attractive and rejuvenate one’s shape.
Preparing for Mummy Makeover Surgery
If you are considering Mummy Makeover Surgery, your surgeon will provide you with pre-surgery instructions to get prepare.
Your doctor will advise you to adjust daily routines, and start preparing for the surgery, which includes;
Get complete medical evaluations, physical exams, and certain lab tests.
Your surgeon will provide certain medications, which may require for the surgical process.
Avoid taking blood thinners like aspirins, or any inflammatory drugs, and herbal supplements.
Quit smoking and all forms of the nicotine/tobacco products, ideally for six-weeks before or upon doctor’s advice.
Mummy makeover surgery is performed in the hospital or with an ambulatory surgery setting.
Mummy Makeover Surgery Recovery
Following surgery, you need to prepare for the expected results wherein your surgeon will give end-to-end information about the mummy makeover aftercare surgery.
Completely avoid household work a few days during recovery time.
Post-surgery, you need to avoid stretch or bending works for some time.
Arrange for self-help care after the surgery to take you home.
You will be given a compression garment, which is required to wear during the recovery process to control swelling over the treatment areas.
Your surgeon will recommend you on the healthy diet, foods to be taken, and water contents. A healthy diet plan during recovery time can also contribute to the expected results.
It is important to follow-up on the post-operative appointments scheduled by your surgeon. Time-to-time your recovery progress will be given. During the scheduled visits, the surgeon will also perform dressings if any sutures that are not dissolvable.
Recovery time can vary depending on the type of surgery performed and a mixture of other surgeries. However, swelling will be visible for four to six weeks, and it gradually heals.
Mummy Makeover Surgery Side Effects
Every surgery carries certain risks and complications, which may include unfavourable scarring, excessive swelling, bruising or bleeding, infection, delayed healing of swelling or wound, numbness, recurrent looseness of the skin, pain, opening of sutures, contour deformity, and risks related to anesthesia are some of the potential side-effects.
But, strictly following surgeon instructions, guidelines for both before and after surgery steps will minimize complications, consequently, give better results.
Ideal Candidates for Mummy Makeover Surgery
Women who are want to regain their lost shape and size of the body and skin.
Individuals with sagging or deflated breasts
Individuals who have loose skin, sagging tummy, and stretch marks
Individuals with protruding abdomen
Fats accumulated on abdomen, arms, thighs, or waist
Fat depositions on the tummy or other parts of the body
Vaginal rejuvenation
A decrease in vaginal laxity
Also, candidates should generally have good health and are looking for realistic expected results.
Mummy makeover surgery is not recommended for candidates who have serious health issues such as heart ailments, high blood pressure, diabetes, or bleeding disorders.
Video Consultation
At SurgiDerma, you will find experienced cosmetic and plastic surgeons who understand the need for the treatment for the women looking for mummy makeover surgery and the expected results. Your surgeon will discuss the pros and cons of the surgery, risk, and complications associated as well as for instructions to minimize risks/complications. However, discussing your needs, medical history, and habits with the surgeon can be easier to give you the best suggestion.
During the Video Consultation, various surgical techniques are discussed based on the patient’s needs. The physician will evaluate a complete physical examination, inquire about current and previous medications (if any). Certain tests are conducted and based on the reports, appropriate techniques are suggested.