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Liposuction is a procedure of removing the excess of fat from specific areas through a plastic surgery treatment. It is generally an attempt to reshape the body shape and body contours. It is commonly performed to enhance overall aesthetic appearance.

Best Liposuction in Bangalore
The different kinds of liposuction on different areas of the body by best liposuction center in Bangalore performed include:
  • Back of Neck

  • Bottom of Upper Arms

  • Female Breasts

  • Outer Thighs or Saddlebags

  • Bra Strap Area

  • Abdomen or Belly Pooch

  • Muffin Top

  • Love Handles

  • Male Breasts

  • Double chin

Liposuction procedure is performed by a plastic or dermatology surgeon. Usually, the procedure is done alone in a specific body area. But in some cases, liposuction is also done with other plastic surgeries such as; facelifts, breast reduction, tummy tuck, etc. However, please note that liposuction is not a treatment to cure obesity or an overall weight loss solution.

Traditional Liposuction

Liposuction (also known as liposculpture) is a surgical treatment that is used to remove the body covering with the fat layer (fat just below the skin) to improvise appearance. This is not a weight-loss treatment or substitute to diet and exercise. It’s just a simple way to get rid of fat.

Best Candidate for Liposuction Procedure

Candidates/Patients with the following problems are considered for the liposuction procedure to achieve realistic results:

  • Liposuction is done for the candidates who have localized deposits of fat in areas like stomach, buttocks, hips, thighs, etc.

  • The packets of fats are often resistant even after diet and exercise.

  • Ideally patients with firm, elastic skin, and good muscle tone.

  • Patients with good health who do not have a life-threatening illness or medical conditions that can hamper the healing process.

  • Non-smokers

  • Individuals who are seeking a positive outlook and specific goals in mind for body contouring.

  • Liposuction is equally effective in both men and women.

Preparing for Liposuction Procedure

Before initiating the liposuction procedure, your plastic surgeon doctor will discuss with you about your expectations and provide you with a detail explanation. Your doctor would review the past medical history. Certain tests are recommended by your plastic surgeon doctor to ensure if the body is ideally fit for the procedure. The doctor advises you to stop certain medications like painkillers and aspirins for a few days before the surgery. Also, smoking and alcohol consumption must be avoided as it may impair the healing process post-surgery.

Liposuction Surgical Process

Liposuction is a surgical procedure done with a fully equipped operation theatre. The procedure can be done by giving a dose of local anesthesia for extracting a small section of fat, or general anesthesia for extracting large quantities of fat. The method involves creating little incisions within the skin and inserting a toll referred to as Cannula into the fat pocket. The Cannula, which is connected to a suction device or a syringe is used to extract the fat. During this procedure, you will be closely monitored in the operation room.

Liposuction Post Recovery and Care

In most of the procedures, the patient starts working in a few days and resume all his/her routine activities like an exercise in 2-4 weeks. Although, recovery and post-surgical care can vary depending on the body area where liposuction treatment is performed and the quantity of the fat. Strictly following instructions by your doctor are the best way to recovery fast, painless, and get better results. Some discomfort might be felt. However, lifestyle selections such as rest, hydration, and not smoking will make the healing process faster with fewer complications.


Like any other surgical procedure, liposuction also has certain post-surgical side-effects. The most common after surgery method involves swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the area of the procedure. The surgical team will suggest you some pain relief when surgery and list of pain relievers to avoid.

Another common postsurgical instruction includes wearing compression garments on the treated area that reduces swelling and allow a week later on to scale back strain on the targeted area.

At Surgiderma, you will find a board-certified plastic, reconstructive, and cosmetic surgeon to perform flawless liposuction. The surgeon at Skin and Plastic Surgery Center as extensive experience in performing successful liposuction.

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