Gynecomastia is due to imbalance in sex hormones estrogen and testosterone in the body. Males produce testosterone in there testes. When there is estrogen excess or deficiency of testosterone will lead to gynecomastia. Male breast increase in elderly due to testosterone deficiency Common causes in early age include testicular failure, liver and kidneys drug disorders, some drugs, anabolic steroids, obesity. In most people exact cause cannot be made out.

Pubertal Gyncecomastia will regress by itself in some males. But if you have problem since 10 -12 months some amount of fibrosis sets in which make it resistant to medical management. Many men have tried every form of intense chest exercises and low fat diets to alleviate their gynecomastia to no avail. Determination alone is not effective, and many men become frustrated by the amount of effort they’ve put forth. Only surgery can correct gynecomastia.
Medical treatments are available to treat gynecomastia, but data on their effectiveness are limited. No drugs have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of gynecomastia; however, medications that have been used to treat the condition include testiclular replacement in case of testicular failure (not effective in normal male ), few antioestrogen durgs such as tamoxifen. But drugs has lot of adverse effects we at surgiderma use medication in some situation such as severe pain during initial presentation or with very high grade gynecomastion to reduce the size so that surgical outcome is good.
The main stay of treatment is surgery
Liposuction with gland excision is the most commonly employed surgery. we at surgiderma treat gynecomastia or man boobs always by liposuction using vaser laser with gland removal using tiny incision if required. It is almost scarless. Since our plastic surgeon is trained by renowned plastic surgeons and due to his vast experience in treating more then 200 patients he use a thin fat flap to cover above muscle thus giving better shape to chest. Most people require gland excision through a small incision around the areola.
We at surgiderma usually do gynecomastia using short general anesthesia or tumescent anesthesia. It is day care procedure. You will be discharged same day and can return to work by 2 to 3 days
Most men see an almost immediate improvement in their chest contour; however, complete results often take 4-6 months. Swelling and some bruising are normal after surgery, and the healing time will depend on the individual. Complications are rare but These included sensory changes, pain, seromas, scarring, breast asymmetry, hematomas, and wound infection.
Compression garments are given so that any residual fluid in the breast is drained. It also help in some amount of skin retraction. We advise patient to wear 24/7 for 2 to 4 weeks.
Is there a Down time?No, laser hair removal doesn't usually take any real time off. After laser hair removal, your skin will be red and swollen right away. Even so, most people go back to their normal lives.
When will I be able to tell if the laser hair removal worked?Most likely, you'll see the effects right away after treatment. The results are different for each subject. The effects depend on the color and thickness of your hair, the area that is treated, the type of laser that is used, and the color of your skin. After the first treatment, you can expect 10–25% less hair. Most people need anywhere from 2 to 6 laser treatments to get rid of the hair. Most people don't see any hair on the treated skin for months or even years after the treatments are done. When hair comes back, there is usually less of it. Most of the hairs are also smaller and lighter in color.
How long will laser hair removal's effects last?Most people stay hairless for months or even years. When some hair comes back, it will probably be less obvious. A patient may need upkeep laser treatments to keep the area free of hair.
What are some possible side effects?Most of the time, the side effects are mild and only last for 1 to 3 days. Among these side affects are: Discomfort Swelling Redness
When laser hair removal is done by a dermatologist or under the direct guidance of a dermatologist, other side effects are rare. Some other things that could go wrong are:Blistering Herpes simplex outbreaks (cold sores) Infections Scarring Skin whitening or darkening Over time, skin color usually goes back to normal. But some changes to skin color last forever. This is why it's important to see a doctor who is good at laser treatments and knows a lot about the face. Also, it's important to do what your doctor tells you. If you follow the advice before and after treatment, you will be much less likely to have side effects.
When is it safe to get another laser hair removal treatment?This is different for each case. A number of laser treatments are often needed to get rid of hair. Most people can have laser hair removal done every 4 to 6 weeks. Your doctor will tell you when it's safe to have another treatment. Most people see at least some hair growth. Your doctor will be able to tell you when it is safe to get laser treatments to keep the results.
How safe is it to use a laser to get rid of hair?Laser hair removal is very safe with no down time and minimal side effects
What are indication in males for LHR?Laser hair removal can also be used for beard reshapeing and in rare disease such as pilonidal sinus Males are also excellent candidates but require more seesions to see the best results.